jueves, marzo 27, 2025
TOP Gambling Countries in the World

TOP Gambling Countries in the World


According to materials of this site: https://logincasino.org/ the most common language is English. High tax rates (about 40%), but the minimum wage is 1500 euros, the average is 3000 euros (tax deducted).

In Ireland, the government has set limits on bets in slot machines – no more than $ 0.001784. But this does not prevent residents from losing on average more than $ 600 per person, especially since online gambling is an excellent solution to gamble for any amount. 35% of active players aged 25-34.

The most common games in online gambling in Ireland:

  • roulette;
  • Baccarat;
  • Black Jack;
  • slots;
  • poker;
  • bingo.


According to statistics, ¾ of adults in Canada are constantly involved in gambling. Active players aged 25-65, who are distributed in equal shares of 20% for the following categories: 25-34,35-44,45-54 and 55-64.

The main trend is scratch (lottery in the form of an adventure game) and classic lottery. In the past, even children were given lottery cards for holidays and birthdays, but now such gifts are banned. the government is trying to reduce the excitement around gambling among young people. On average, every Canadian adult loses about $ 600 a year on gambling, which has long been the norm. Official languages ​​are English (over 50%) and French (over 20%). About 3.5% of the population speaks Chinese, and more than 20% are immigrant languages ​​(Spanish, Italian, Arabic, German). In some northern regions of the country, Tagalog and Punjabi are also common.

Population income:

The minimum wage is regularly increasing, averaging $ 11 per hour in mid-2020 for full-time employment, i.e. 2240 $ per month. In different cities, this figure can go up to $ 15 per hour and more. Average salary per year – from $ 27,000.

TOP online gambling games: slots, Black Jack, roulette, poker.


According to official data, more than 40% of the adult population in Finland constantly spends more than $ 550 on gambling. The government had to raise the minimum age for gambling from 15 to 18 to prevent the threat from spreading among young people.

By the way, in Finland gambling is considered one of the most popular types of recreation in 2020, with an annual turnover of $ 3.2 billion. A high standard of living and an average income of 3300 euros are doing their job. Losing money in a casino is a common thing for a financier. Marketing slogan in the style of “you lost, another won.” Those. people just regularly lose money in offline and online casinos and believe that they are doing it for the general good.

As in Ireland, approximately 35% of players in Finland are 25-34 years old. The official languages ​​are Swedish, Finnish, but, as in the entire European Union, English is also very popular.

TOP gamblers spend here mainly on slots (including those with a progressive jackpot) and a wide variety of online casino games, including roulette and black jack.

Additional information on different GEOs

The TOP can be continued, but we will focus on some features of different countries that you will also be interested in:

In the UK, about 85% of active players (playing every week) are under the age of 21;
Macau is an administrative region of China with a territory 11 times smaller than that of Las Vegas. The total earnings from the gambling business in 2019 – $ 29 billion, which is $ 12.4 billion more than in the most famous gambling city in the United States;
The approximate percentage of the country’s residents and gamblers in it: Netherlands – 87%, Italy – 80%, Russia – 75%, Finland – 74%, Iceland – 69%, Great Britain – 68%, Belgium – 60%, Ireland – 59%. This is data from the University of Nottingham Trent. It should be noted that this number includes both regular players and those who occasionally buy lottery tickets, place bets, visit online and offline casinos.

What’s the bottom line?

The advantage over Runet is obvious: the bourgeois has a completely different market with serious prospects. On a good affiliate program, international traffic converts well, and the earnings here are noticeably higher. Most gambling countries are the most “money”, which means that they are also the most competitive. It is not necessary to immediately set a course for large cities. Start small, you can be sure that with the right approach the bourges will not disappoint you. Read more online casino news here https://logincasino.org/news

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